Huge progress in building the bridge. I was pouring jigstones and glueing the bridge in parallel. Having a gulp of Kilkenny beers also from time to time ;-).
Category Archives: Garden Railway
Inspired my Mark Found’s tv series “The Garden Railway”, I started building my own garden railway in my backyard. It is build right from the scretch.
I created this blog in order to share my experiances to interrested people, who also want to start with building up their own garden railway in their own backyard. So every comment and feedback it apreciated.
A garden railway is a great possibility to combine nature and technic in a home environment. It is also a great hobby to free up the mind from daily business. And it is completely different to smaller inhouse scales, because everyone starting with this hobby has also think about weather and stability, security and many other impacts. Working with garden railways needs rockery work, concrete mixing, gardening, and way more.
Please enjoy my little blog. I hope, that I am able to share some good inspirations.
We had nice weather – first day since a while. So I decided to leave office earlier than normal and to work a little in garden, which was a perfect decision! I finallizen der framework of my pond, cutted the liner and put some rocks as a frame around the pond.
Today I started building with my “LEGO in concrete” and build the first part of a bridge. The framework is done by using the Jigstones. The room between isfilled up by rapit cement.
My first impression: Looks great!
Today I started the mass production of Jigstones. I call it now “concrete Lego” . The rapid cement drys within 30 minutes. So the forms run “hot”. I bought about 15kg of that cement today in the hardware store. So my workbench is getting full of stones…
As soon as they all dryed up complete, I’ll start constructing the ramp for the bridge.

Today I temporarely laid the first rails for this year and marked it with some sticks in the ground. As soon as I receive the metal plates for separating dirt from gravel, I will start building the base for screwing them on top. It will get a huge curve to the waterfall right behind the joint to the station. Asyou may see on the pictures, it’ll look pretty nice.
Down below the lighthouse I want to install the central point for the supply power. All wires will joint together there.
The orignal garden railway houses from PIKO and POLA are too expensive in my perspective and look too plastic. So I was collecting some bird feeder huts during wintertime. The cost was 15€ each. The scale is almost fitting. So I got my little village done. Just the station with its plattform is missing. The parts and pieces for the platform are already in the basement and ready to get build.
Last week I recreated the waterfall feature. It is build out of rocks and looks very natural. The pump is pulling round about 4m³/h (1000gal/h) from the water resorvour. The result is a nice sound of plashing water. Later on I want to add a bridge for my railway over the waterfall coming from the station. In front of the pond, the tracks will be placed from the lower level.
A day in springtime
Just a nice shot I made during a driving session…